Today was rough. I dont care for 201. The majority of the students are slackers who do no work. They had 20 mins to complete an activity and most of the boys only managed to answer 1 question. Good job! *thumbs up*
1 girl is really good but she is dragged down by the mediocrity of the others.
After lunch i had the all girls class 206. The first 5 mins was tough. I asked them all to stand up. Only 1 girl did. Its not like they dont understand "stand up" its just that they dont do anything without the approval of their friends. Seriously ladies, grow a pair. The good thing is when they do get going they're a fun bunch to teach. And キリン is not English girls.
103 is a rowdy class. Lots of talking and lots of doing nothing from one individual. He wrote nothing on his worksheet. I expect him to fail if he keeps this up.
Wednesday shall be the day when i adopt my "cranky" Ritchie persona. Kids, you wont like me when im angry.
Oh and i've got a damn cold. Its not so bad now coz ive been taking medicine. At least the lotion tissues are soothing for my nose.